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The correlation often employed to correlate adsorption data for protein is (where Ymax is the maximum amount of solute adsorbed per mass of adsorbent, X is the mass fraction of solute in the diluent phase in solute-free basis, KL is a constant and Y is the equilibrium value of the mass of solute adsorbed per mass of adsorbent)

Question: The correlation often employed to correlate adsorption data for protein is (where Ymax is the maximum amount of solute adsorbed per mass of adsorbent, X is the mass fraction of solute in the diluent phase in solute-free basis, KL is a constant and Y is the equilibrium value of the mass of solute adsorbed per mass of adsorbent)

Y = YmaxX/(KL+X)


Y = Ymax/(KL+X)


Y = YmaxX/KL


Y = Ymax- X/ (KL+X)

Answer: Option A


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