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Raees credits 15 % of his salary in this fixed deposit account and spends 30 % of the remaining amount on groceries if the cash in hand is Rs. 2380, what is his salary?

Raees credits 15 % of his salary in this fixed deposit account and spends 30 % of the remaining amount on groceries if the cash in hand is Rs. 2380, what is his salary?

A. Rs. 3500
B. Rs. 4000
C. Rs. 4500
D. Rs. 5000
Let salary be Rs. x.
Then, x – 15 % of x – 30 % of 85 % of x = 2380
or x – 15x/100 – (30×85×x)/(100×100) = 2380
or 200 x – 30 x – 51 x = 2380 X 200
or 119 x = 2380 X 200
or x = (2380×200)/119 = 4000