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Mass moment of inertia of a thin rod about its one end is __________ the mass moment of inertia of the same rod about its mid-point

Question: Mass moment of inertia of a thin rod about its one end is __________ the mass moment of inertia of the same rod about its mid-point

same as






four times

Answer: Option D


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Mass moment of inertia of a thin rod about its one end is __________ the mass moment of inertia of the same rod about its mid-point Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

Mass moment of inertia of a uni form thin rod of mass M and length (l) about its mid-point and perpendicular to its length is

Question: Mass moment of inertia of a uni form thin rod of mass M and length (l) about its mid-point and perpendicular to its length is




Answer: Option D


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Mass moment of inertia of a uni form thin rod of mass M and length (l) about its mid-point and perpendicular to its length is Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is known as

Question: The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is known as

principle of independence of forces


principle of resolution of forces


principle of transmissibility of forces


none of these

Answer: Option B


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The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is known as Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A spherical body is symmetrical about its perpendicular axis. According to Routh’s rule, the moment of inertia of a body about an axis passing through its centre of gravity is(where, M = Mass of the body, and S = Sum of the squares of the two semi-axes.)

Question: A spherical body is symmetrical about its perpendicular axis. According to Routh’s rule, the moment of inertia of a body about an axis passing through its centre of gravity is(where, M = Mass of the body, and S = Sum of the squares of the two semi-axes.)







none of these

Answer: Option C


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A spherical body is symmetrical about its perpendicular axis. According to Routh’s rule, the moment of inertia of a body about an axis passing through its centre of gravity is(where, M = Mass of the body, and S = Sum of the squares of the two semi-axes.) Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A circular hole of 50 mm diameter is cut out from a circular disc of 100 mm diameter as shown in the below figure. The centre of gravity of the section will lie

Question: A circular hole of 50 mm diameter is cut out from a circular disc of 100 mm diameter as shown in the below figure. The centre of gravity of the section will lie

in the shaded area


in the hole


at O

Answer: Option A


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A circular hole of 50 mm diameter is cut out from a circular disc of 100 mm diameter as shown in the below figure. The centre of gravity of the section will lie Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A resultant force is a single force which produces the same effect as produced by all the given forces acting on a body.

Question: A resultant force is a single force which produces the same effect as produced by all the given forces acting on a body.




Answer: Option A


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A resultant force is a single force which produces the same effect as produced by all the given forces acting on a body. Read More »

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering