Duty cycle is the characteristic of a pulse waveform that indicates the high time versus the low time.
Answer: Option B
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Answer: Option B
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Answer: Option A
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[C].both (a) and (b)
[D]. either (a) or (b)
Answer: Option C
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A Colpitt’s oscillator uses Read More »
Analog Electronics, Electronics And Communication Engineering[B].
Answer: Option B
Loading increases bandwidth of parallel tuned circuii.
[C].the people who set up Pyramid schemes are able to fool honest people.
[D].the Pyramid scheme had its heyday in the 1920s, but it’s making a comeback.
Answer: Option C
The fact that the Pyramid scheme is set up by a con artist suggests that the honest people who invest have been fooled. Choices a and b are contradicted in the passage. The paragraph says that the Pyramid scheme originated in the 1920s, but does not say it had its heyday then; thus, choice d is incorrect. Choice e is a fact, but it is not mentioned in the passage.
Answer: Option A
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Answer: Option A
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A government by the nobles Read More »
One Word Substitutes, Verbal Ability[B].
Answer: Option C
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Aqueous nitric acid is stored in __________ vessel. Read More »
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Materials and Construction[B].
Answer: Option B
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Buna-S is also called Read More »
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Polymer Technology[B].
Answer: Option A
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Overall depth of a dog spike, is Read More »
Civil Engineering, Railways