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Moisture should be removed from refrigerants to avoid

Question: Moisture should be removed from refrigerants to avoid

freezing at the expansion valve


restriction to refrigerant flow


corrosion of steel plates


all of these

Answer: Option D


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Moisture should be removed from refrigerants to avoid Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Which of the following refrigerant has the maximum ozone depletion potential in the stratophere?

Question: Which of the following refrigerant has the maximum ozone depletion potential in the stratophere?



Carbon dioxide


Sulphur dioxide



Answer: Option D


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Which of the following refrigerant has the maximum ozone depletion potential in the stratophere? Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Environmental protection agencies advice against the use of chloro-fluoro-carbon refrigerants since

Question: Environmental protection agencies advice against the use of chloro-fluoro-carbon refrigerants since

these react with water vapour and cause acid rain


these react with plants and cause green-house effect


these react with oxygen and cause its depletion


these react with ozone layer

Answer: Option D


No answer description available for this question.

Environmental protection agencies advice against the use of chloro-fluoro-carbon refrigerants since Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

In larger industrial and commercial reciprocating compression systems, refrigerent widely used is

Question: In larger industrial and commercial reciprocating compression systems, refrigerent widely used is



carbon dioxide


sulphur dioxide



Answer: Option A


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In larger industrial and commercial reciprocating compression systems, refrigerent widely used is Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Which of the following refrigerant is highly toxic and flammable?

Question: Which of the following refrigerant is highly toxic and flammable?



Carbon dioxide


Sulphur dioxide



Answer: Option A


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Which of the following refrigerant is highly toxic and flammable? Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Which of the following refrigerant has the highest freezing point.

Question: Which of the following refrigerant has the highest freezing point.



Carbon dioxide


Sulphur dioxide



Answer: Option B


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Which of the following refrigerant has the highest freezing point. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest boiling point?

Question: Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest boiling point?



Carbon dioxide


Sulphur dioxide



Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest boiling point? Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning