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In a recession a government ?

In a recession a government ?

A. Is likely to want to decrease demand in the economy
B. Is likely to want to decrease demand in the economy
C. Is likely to want to stabilise demand in the economy
D. Is likely to want to increase supply in the economy

In a recession a government ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development

Gross National Product equals ?

Gross National Product equals ?

A. Net National Product adjusted for inflation
B. Gross Domestic Product adjusted for inflation
C. Gross Domestic Product plus net property income from abroad
D. Net National Product plus net property income from abroad

Gross National Product equals ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development

The Club of Rome Study, The Limits to Growth suggests that as natural resources diminish ?

The Club of Rome Study, The Limits to Growth suggests that as natural resources diminish ?

A. capital increasingly replaces labor
B. technological change compensates for capital depletion
C. costs rise, leaving less capital for future investment
D. contingent valuation becomes critical

The Club of Rome Study, The Limits to Growth suggests that as natural resources diminish ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development

The green house effect is the phenomenon by which ?

The green house effect is the phenomenon by which ?

A. biological diversity is dominant in agricultural production
B. the globe’s water pollution affects plankton
C. the earth’s atmosphere traps infrared radiation
D. climatic changes occur naturally in the forest

The green house effect is the phenomenon by which ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development

Many environmental resources are public goods, which are characterized by ?

Many environmental resources are public goods, which are characterized by ?

A. rivalry and exclusion in consumption
B. nonrivalry and nonexclusion in consumption
C. rivalry but nonexclusion in production
D. nonrivalry but exclusion in usage

Many environmental resources are public goods, which are characterized by ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development

According to Coase’s theorem when property rights are well defined and legally enforceable and transactions costs are not prohibitive ?

According to Coase’s theorem when property rights are well defined and legally enforceable and transactions costs are not prohibitive ?

A. population growth leads to rigid land rights
B. participants will organize their transactions
C. violence displacement erosion and poverty are minimized
D. individuals overuse of the biosphere is curtailed

According to Coase’s theorem when property rights are well defined and legally enforceable and transactions costs are not prohibitive ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Natural Resources and the Environment Toward Sustainable Development