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One source of inefficiency in monopolistic competition is that since price is above marginal cost, some units are not produced that buyers value in ?

One source of inefficiency in monopolistic competition is that since price is above marginal cost, some units are not produced that buyers value in ?

A. Since price is above marginal cost surplus is redistributed from buyers to sellers
B. monopolistically competitive firms earn economic profits in the long run
C. monopolistically competitive firms produce beyond their efficient scale
D. excess of the cost of production and this causes a deadweight loss.

One source of inefficiency in monopolistic competition is that since price is above marginal cost, some units are not produced that buyers value in ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition

In the short run, if the price is above average total cost in a monopolistically competitive market, the firm makes ?

In the short run, if the price is above average total cost in a monopolistically competitive market, the firm makes ?

A. losses and firms exit the market
B. profits and firms exit the market
C. losses and firms enter the market
D. profits and firms enter the market

In the short run, if the price is above average total cost in a monopolistically competitive market, the firm makes ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition

Which of the following is not an argument put forth by economists in support of the use of advertising ?

Which of the following is not an argument put forth by economists in support of the use of advertising ?

A. Advertising increases competition
B. Advertising provides information to customers about prices, new products and location of retail outlets.
C. Advertising provides a creative outlet for artists and writers
D. Advertising provides new firms with the means to attract customers from existing firms.

Which of the following is not an argument put forth by economists in support of the use of advertising ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition

The use of the word “monopoly” in the name of the market structure called “monopolistic competition” refers to the fact that ?

The use of the word “monopoly” in the name of the market structure called “monopolistic competition” refers to the fact that ?

A. monopolistically competitive firms charge prices equal to their marginal costs just like monopolists
B. a monopolistically competitive firms faces a downward-slog demand curve for its differentiated product and so does a monopolist
C. monopolistically competitive markets have free entry and exit just like a monopolistic market
D. monopolistically competitive firms produce beyond their efficient scale and so do monopolists

The use of the word “monopoly” in the name of the market structure called “monopolistic competition” refers to the fact that ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition

When firms enter a monopolistically competitive market and the business-stealing externality is larger than the product-variety externality then ?

When firms enter a monopolistically competitive market and the business-stealing externality is larger than the product-variety externality then ?

A. there are too many firms in the market and market efficiency could be increased if firms exited the market
B. the number of firms in the market is optimal and the market is efficient
C. There are too few firms in the market and market efficiency could be be increased with additional entry
D. The only way to improve efficiency in this market is for the government to regulate it like a natural monopoly.

When firms enter a monopolistically competitive market and the business-stealing externality is larger than the product-variety externality then ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition

Which of the following is true with regard to monopolistically competitive firms scale of production and pricing decisions Monopolistically competitive firms produce ?

Which of the following is true with regard to monopolistically competitive firms scale of production and pricing decisions Monopolistically competitive firms produce ?

A. at the efficient scale and charge a price equal to marginal cost
B. at the efficient scale and charge a price above marginal cost
C. With excess capacity and charge a price above marginal cost
D. With excess capacity and charge a price equal to marginal cost

Which of the following is true with regard to monopolistically competitive firms scale of production and pricing decisions Monopolistically competitive firms produce ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly & Competition