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A monopoly is able to continue to generate economic profits in the long run because ?

A monopoly is able to continue to generate economic profits in the long run because ?

A. there is some barrier to entry to that market
B. Potential competitors sometimes don’t notice the the profits.
C. the monopolist is financially powerful.
D. antitrust laws eliminate competitors for a specified number of years.
E. of all of the things described in these answers

A monopoly is able to continue to generate economic profits in the long run because ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly

Which of the follow statements about price discrimination is not true ?

Which of the follow statements about price discrimination is not true ?

A. Perfect price discrimination generates a deadweight loss
B. Price discrimination can raise economic welfare.
C. price discrimination requires that seller be able to separate buyers according to their willingness to pay.
D. Price discrimination increases a monopolist’s profits.
E. For a monopolist to engage in price discrimination buyers must be unable to engage in arbitrage.

Which of the follow statements about price discrimination is not true ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly

The purpose of antitrust (also known as competition) laws is to ?

The purpose of antitrust (also known as competition) laws is to ?

A. Increase competition in an industry by preventing mergers and breaking up large firms.
B. regulate the prices charged by a monopoly
C. increase merger activity to help generate synergies that reduce costs and raise efficiency.
D. create public ownership of natural monopolies
E. all of these answers

The purpose of antitrust (also known as competition) laws is to ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly

Which of the following statements about price and marginal cost in competitive and monopolized markets is true ?

Which of the following statements about price and marginal cost in competitive and monopolized markets is true ?

A. In competitive markets, price equals marginal cost, in monopolized markets price exceeds marginal cost.
B. In competitive markets price equals marginal cost, in monopolized markets price equals marginal cost
C. In competitive markets price exceeds marginal cost, in monopolized markets price exceeds marginal cost
D. In competitive markets price exceeds marginal cost in monopolized markets price equals marginal cost

Which of the following statements about price and marginal cost in competitive and monopolized markets is true ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly