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Which of the following best defines price discrimination ?

Which of the following best defines price discrimination ?

A. charging different prices on the basis of race
B. charging different prices for goods with different costs of production
C. charging different prices based on cost-of-service differences
D. selling a certain product of given quality and cost per unit at different prices to different buyers

Which of the following best defines price discrimination ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly

Using government regulations to force a natural monopoly to charge a price equal to his marginal cost will ?

Using government regulations to force a natural monopoly to charge a price equal to his marginal cost will ?

A. Cause the monopolist to exit the market
B. improve efficieny
C. raise the price of good
D. attract additional firms to enter the market

Using government regulations to force a natural monopoly to charge a price equal to his marginal cost will ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Monopoly