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Three variables affect the demand for money they are _______ and __________?

Three variables affect the demand for money they are _______ and __________?

A. bank opening hours, the proportion of weekly paid employee’s interest rates
B. the price level interest rates real income
C. The time of year bank opening hours the price level
D. The proportion of weekly paid employees the time of year real income

Three variables affect the demand for money they are _______ and __________? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Interest Rates And Output, Money

Keynesians and monetarists differ over how steep the IS and LM curves actually are Monetarists claim that the IS curve must be __________ and the LM curve must be __________?

Keynesians and monetarists differ over how steep the IS and LM curves actually are Monetarists claim that the IS curve must be __________ and the LM curve must be __________?

A. flat; steep
B. flat; flat
C. steep; flat
D. steep; steep

Keynesians and monetarists differ over how steep the IS and LM curves actually are Monetarists claim that the IS curve must be __________ and the LM curve must be __________? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Interest Rates And Output, Money

The curve that illustrates the negative relationship between the equilibrium values of aggregate output and the interest rate in the goods market is the ?

The curve that illustrates the negative relationship between the equilibrium values of aggregate output and the interest rate in the goods market is the ?

A. aggregate supply curve
B. LM curve
C. aggregate demand curve
D. IS curve

The curve that illustrates the negative relationship between the equilibrium values of aggregate output and the interest rate in the goods market is the ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Interest Rates And Output, Money

If the central bank increases the money supply at the same time as the government increasing spending, it is suggested that investment will ?

If the central bank increases the money supply at the same time as the government increasing spending, it is suggested that investment will ?

A. Suffer even more
B. not be reduced as much as it would have been
C. be replaced by foreign investment
D. be replaced by consumer spending

If the central bank increases the money supply at the same time as the government increasing spending, it is suggested that investment will ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Interest Rates And Output, Money

According to the simple Keynesian view the aggregate supply curve is ?

According to the simple Keynesian view the aggregate supply curve is ?

A. downward slog over all levels of output
B. upward slog over all levels of output
C. horizontal until it reaches full capacity and then becomes vertical
D. vertical until it reaches full capacity and then becomes horizontal

According to the simple Keynesian view the aggregate supply curve is ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, Interest Rates And Output, Money