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During heating and humidification, the final relative humidity of air

Question: During heating and humidification, the final relative humidity of air

is higher than that of the entering air


is lower than that of the entering air


can be lower or higher than that of the entering air


none of the above

Answer: Option C


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During heating and humidification, the final relative humidity of air Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

During heating and dehumidification process, dry bulb temperature

Question: During heating and dehumidification process, dry bulb temperature

remains constant





Answer: Option B


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During heating and dehumidification process, dry bulb temperature Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/s and the latent heat added is 20 kJ/s. The sensible heat factor for the process will be

Question: In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/s and the latent heat added is 20 kJ/s. The sensible heat factor for the process will be








Answer: Option B


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In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/s and the latent heat added is 20 kJ/s. The sensible heat factor for the process will be Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

During dehumidification process, __________ remains constant.

Question: During dehumidification process, __________ remains constant.

wet bulb temperature


relative humidity


dry bulb temperature


specific humidity

Answer: Option C


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During dehumidification process, __________ remains constant. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

During humidification process, __________ increases.

Question: During humidification process, __________ increases.

wet bulb temperature


relative humidity


dry bulb temperature


specific humidity

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

During humidification process, __________ increases. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

The by-pass factor of a cooling coil decreases with

Question: The by-pass factor of a cooling coil decreases with

decrease in fin spacing and increase in number of rows


increase in fin spacing and increase in number of rows


increase in fin spacing and decrease in number of rows


decrease in fin spacing and decrease in number of rows

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

The by-pass factor of a cooling coil decreases with Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning