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In an inward flow reaction turbine

Question: In an inward flow reaction turbine

the water flows parallel to the axis of the wheel


the water enters at the centre of the wheel and then flows towards the outer periphery of the wheel


the water enters the wheel at the outer periphery and then flows towards the centre of the wheel


the flow of water is partly radial and partly axial

Answer: Option C


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In an inward flow reaction turbine Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used

Question: In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used

to run the turbine full


to prevent air to enter the turbine


to increase the head of water by an amount equal to the height of the runner outlet above the tail race


to transport water to downstream

Answer: Option C


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In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

In a reaction turbine, the pressure head of water, while flowing over the vanes, is converted into kinetic head before leaving the wheel.

Question: In a reaction turbine, the pressure head of water, while flowing over the vanes, is converted into kinetic head before leaving the wheel.




Answer: Option B


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In a reaction turbine, the pressure head of water, while flowing over the vanes, is converted into kinetic head before leaving the wheel. Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head (H) is given by

Question: If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head (H) is given by

H = Hg/hf


H = Hg x hf


H = Hg + hf


H = Hg – hf

Answer: Option D


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If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head (H) is given by Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

In an impulse turbine, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is atmospheric.

Question: In an impulse turbine, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is atmospheric.




Answer: Option A


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In an impulse turbine, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is atmospheric. Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

In an impulse turbine, the jet of water impinges on the bucket with a low velocity and after flowing over the vanes, leaves with a high velocity.

Question: In an impulse turbine, the jet of water impinges on the bucket with a low velocity and after flowing over the vanes, leaves with a high velocity.




Answer: Option B


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In an impulse turbine, the jet of water impinges on the bucket with a low velocity and after flowing over the vanes, leaves with a high velocity. Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering