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In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve

Question: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve

opens at 30° before bottom dead cnetre and closes at 10° after top dead centre


opens at 30° after bottom dead centre and closes at 10° before top dead centre


opens at bottom dead centre and closes at top dead centre


may open and close anywhere

Answer: Option A


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In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

For the same maximum pressure and heat input, the exhaust temperature of petrol engine is __________ than that of diesel engine.

Question: For the same maximum pressure and heat input, the exhaust temperature of petrol engine is __________ than that of diesel engine.




Answer: Option B


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For the same maximum pressure and heat input, the exhaust temperature of petrol engine is __________ than that of diesel engine. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In compression ignition engines, swirl denotes a

Question: In compression ignition engines, swirl denotes a

haphazard motion of the gases in the chamber


rotary motion of the gases in the chamber


radial motion of the gases in the chamber


none of the above

Answer: Option B


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In compression ignition engines, swirl denotes a Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the compression

Question: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the compression

starts at 40° after bottom dead centre and ends at 10° before top dead centre


starts at 40° before top dead centre and ends at 40° after top dead centre


starts at top dead centre and ends at 40° before bottom dead centre


may start and end anywhere

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the compression Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the inlet valve

Question: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the inlet valve

opens at 20° before top dead centre and closes at 40° after bottom dead centre


opens at 20° after top dead centre and closes at 20° before bottom dead centre


opens at top dead centre and closes at bottom dead centre


may open and close anywhere

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the inlet valve Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In diesel engines, the ignition takes place due to the heat produced in the engine cylinder at the end of compression.

Question: In diesel engines, the ignition takes place due to the heat produced in the engine cylinder at the end of compression.




Answer: Option A


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In diesel engines, the ignition takes place due to the heat produced in the engine cylinder at the end of compression. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In a petrol engine, the mixture has the lowest pressure at the

Question: In a petrol engine, the mixture has the lowest pressure at the

beginning of suction stroke


end of suction stroke


end of compression stroke


none of these

Answer: Option B


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In a petrol engine, the mixture has the lowest pressure at the Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering