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If a perfectly competitive firm finds that the profit maximizing output level occurs whereprice is equal to marginal cost but is less than average variable cost


If a perfectly competitive firm finds that the profit maximizing output level occurs whereprice is equal to marginal cost but is less than average variable cost


the firm will continue to operate in the short run since total revenue exceeds total variable cost but will exit the industry in the long run


the firm will continue to operate in the short run since it has to pay the total fixed cost whether or not it continues to operate


the firm will increase its selling price to raise revenue in order to be able to continue to operate profitably in the short run


the firm will shut down in the short run and exit the industry in the long run if it does not foresee market conditions changing

Answer» d. the firm will shut down in the short run and exit the industry in the long run if it does not foresee market conditions changing

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India