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How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336

Question: How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ?
264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336









Answer: Option A


132 = 4 x 3 x 11

So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible by 132 also.

264 11,3,4 (/)

396 11,3,4 (/)

462 11,3 (X)

792 11,3,4 (/)

968 11,4 (X)

2178 11,3 (X)

5184 3,4 (X)

6336 11,3,4 (/)

Therefore the following numbers are divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336.

Required number of number = 4.