Cpp Programming Quiz 205 – What will be the output of the following program?

Question: What will be the output of the following program?

class IndiaBix
int K;
void BixFunction(float, int , char);
void BixFunction(float, char, char);

int main()
IndiaBix objIB;
objIB.BixFunction(15.09, 'A', char('A' + 'A'));
return 0;
void IndiaBix::BixFunction(float, char y, char z)
K = int(z);
K = int(y);
K = y + z;
cout<< "K = " << K << endl; }

[A]. The program will print the output M = 130.
[B]. The program will print the output M = 195.
[C]. The program will print the output M = -21.
[D]. The program will print the output M = -61. 

Answer: Option D