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Victorian Age

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________?

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________?

A. crop; scabbard; foot; agree
B. throne; scepter; soul; decree
C. school; scalpel; pen; set free
D. hearth; needle; heart; obey

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ?

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ?

A. the representation of a large and comprehensive social world in realistic detail
B. a surrealist exploration of alternate states of consciousness
C. the attempt of a protagonist to define his or her place in society
D. A and C

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ?

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ?

A. Graham Greene
B. Anthony Powell
C. Evelyn Waugh
D. William Golding

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age