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Victorian Age

The term for the reaction against corruption in the Catholic Church was known as_____________?

The term for the reaction against corruption in the Catholic Church was known as_____________?

A. The Protestant Revolution
B. The Protestant Reformation
C. The Protestant Restoration
D. The Protestant Resolution

The term for the reaction against corruption in the Catholic Church was known as_____________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

The fine arts flourished in Elizabethan England. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Edmund Spenser were some of the more famous playwrights and poets of the time. Drama, music, songs, and art were popular with noblemen and commoners alike. Exploring certain topics, however, was considered taboo in any art form. What was a strictly forbidden subject ?

The fine arts flourished in Elizabethan England. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Edmund Spenser were some of the more famous playwrights and poets of the time. Drama, music, songs, and art were popular with noblemen and commoners alike. Exploring certain topics, however, was considered taboo in any art form. What was a strictly forbidden subject ?

A. Sexuality
B. Criticism of the queen
C. Murder
D. Witchcraft

The fine arts flourished in Elizabethan England. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Edmund Spenser were some of the more famous playwrights and poets of the time. Drama, music, songs, and art were popular with noblemen and commoners alike. Exploring certain topics, however, was considered taboo in any art form. What was a strictly forbidden subject ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Crime was ardently followed by punishment. Elizabethans had devised various ways to fine, humiliate, torture, and kill offenders. Which crime was punishable by death ?

Crime was ardently followed by punishment. Elizabethans had devised various ways to fine, humiliate, torture, and kill offenders. Which crime was punishable by death ?

A. Skipg church on Sunday
B. A woman screaming at her husband in public
C. Stealing a horse
D. Public drunkenness

Crime was ardently followed by punishment. Elizabethans had devised various ways to fine, humiliate, torture, and kill offenders. Which crime was punishable by death ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age