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Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture

Which of the following promoters is repressed in presence of glucose?

Question: Which of the following promoters is repressed in presence of glucose?

Galactokinase (GAL 1)


Acid phosphatase (PHOS)


Both (a) and (b)


Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK)

Answer: Option A


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Which of the following promoters is repressed in presence of glucose? Read More »

Biotechnology, Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture

Cloning genes in the yeast offer which of following advantage(s)?

Question: Cloning genes in the yeast offer which of following advantage(s)?

Over production of proteins of commercial value


Ability to glycosylate proteins during secretion


Ability to clone large piece of DNA


All of the above

Answer: Option D


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Cloning genes in the yeast offer which of following advantage(s)? Read More »

Biotechnology, Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture

YAC vectors can be used to obtain artificial chromosomes because it carries

Question: YAC vectors can be used to obtain artificial chromosomes because it carries





autonomously replicating sequence


all of these

Answer: Option D


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YAC vectors can be used to obtain artificial chromosomes because it carries Read More »

Biotechnology, Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture

Yeast episomal plasmids (YEp) were constructed using

Question: Yeast episomal plasmids (YEp) were constructed using

2μm yeast plasmid, fragments of yeast nuclear DNA and E coli vector pMB 9


2μm yeast plasmid, fragments of yeast nuclear DNA and E coli vector pBR 322


12μm yeast plasmid and E coli vector pMB 9


12μm yeast plasmid and E coli vector pBR 322

Answer: Option A


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Yeast episomal plasmids (YEp) were constructed using Read More »

Biotechnology, Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture

α-aminoadipate inhibits the growth if one of the following marker is present in the yeast. That is

Question: α-aminoadipate inhibits the growth if one of the following marker is present in the yeast. That is

His 3


Lys 2


Ura 3


Trp 1

Answer: Option B


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α-aminoadipate inhibits the growth if one of the following marker is present in the yeast. That is Read More »

Biotechnology, Vectors Uses For Animal Cell Culture