Question: Major greenhouse gases are; A. Methane, B. Nitrous Oxide C. Hydro Fluoro Carbons D. All Answer» d. All Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Human development index is based on; A. life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy B. life expectancy, infant mortality and social enrollment ratio C. longevity, knowledge and income D. none of these Answer» c. longevity, knowledge and income Note: The…

Question: Brundtland Report was known as; A. Club of Rome B. Limits to growth C. Our Common Future, D. None Answer» c. Our Common Future, Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: The largest (manmade) contributor to the greenhouse effect is; A. Carbon Dioxide Gas emissions B. Deforestation C. Methane D. None Answer» a. Carbon Dioxide Gas emissions Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in…

Question: The first Earth Summit was held at: A. UK B. Geneva C. Rio de Jeneiro D. USA Answer» c. Rio de Jeneiro Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Gender is determined by; A. Socially B. Biologically C. Either (a) or (b) D. Sex Answer» a. Socially Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Which is not an index of inequality? A. Theil-index B. Decile dispersion ratio C. Head-Count Ratio D. Share of income Answer» c. Head-Count Ratio Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India.