Which of the following statement is Not true ? A. The ratio of debt service to GNP is very good indicator of the debt burden B. Many large LDC debtors borrowed heavily because of their excellent international credit ratings C.…

Shortly after 1979 World Bank introduced loans that emphasized reforms in trade, agriculture industry public enterprise financial energy education or other sectors and were known as ? A. Structural adjustment loansB. sectoral adjustment loans C. internal adjustment loans D. external…

The debt-service ratio is the______________? A. long-term debt divided by GDP of a country in a given yearB. interest and principle payments divided by exports of goods and services C. ratio of debt net of portfolio investment financing and foreign…

Which of the following is Not true about external debt ? A. External debt accumulates with international balance on goods services and income deficcits B. When debts are denominated in U.S dollars their appreciation during the 1990s increased the cost…