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The Balance of Payments

In the balance of payments the statistical discrepancy is used to ?

In the balance of payments the statistical discrepancy is used to ?

A. insure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits
B. insure that trade imports equals the value of trade exports
C. obtain an accurate account of a balance of payments deficit
D. obtain an accurate account of a balance of payments surplus

In the balance of payments the statistical discrepancy is used to ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, The Balance of Payments

A country that is a net international debtor initially experiences a (an) ?

A country that is a net international debtor initially experiences a (an) ?

A. larger savings pool available to finance domestic spending
B. higher interest rate which leads to lower domestic investment
C. loss of funds to trading partners overseas
D. decrease in its services exports to other countries

A country that is a net international debtor initially experiences a (an) ? Read More »

Economics Mcqs, The Balance of Payments