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Synthesis Of Therapeutic Agents

In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by

Question: In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by

Ranbaxy Pvt Ltd


Shantha Biotechnics Pvt Ltd


Dabur Pvt Ltd


Glaxo Pvt Ltd

Answer: Option B


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In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by Read More »

Biotechnology, Synthesis Of Therapeutic Agents

Chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains are separately inserted into the plasmid pBR 322 by the side of

Question: Chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains are separately inserted into the plasmid pBR 322 by the side of





acid phosphatase



Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

Chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains are separately inserted into the plasmid pBR 322 by the side of Read More »

Biotechnology, Synthesis Of Therapeutic Agents