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Structure And Properties Of Peptides

In deoxy hemoglobin (Hb), the Fe (II) is coordinated to

Question: In deoxy hemoglobin (Hb), the Fe (II) is coordinated to

four nitrogens of heme, the proximal His, and a water molecule


four nitrogens of heme and to a water molecule


two nitrogens of heme and to three His residues in Hb


two nitrogens of heme and to three water molecules

Answer: Option A


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In deoxy hemoglobin (Hb), the Fe (II) is coordinated to Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

Heme is the binding pocket of myoglobin and hemoglobin and is composed of

Question: Heme is the binding pocket of myoglobin and hemoglobin and is composed of

negatively charged residues


polar residues


hydrophobic residues


positively charged residues

Answer: Option C


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Heme is the binding pocket of myoglobin and hemoglobin and is composed of Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

Peptides in the fully extended chain conformation

Question: Peptides in the fully extended chain conformation

have Y = F = 180°


do not occur in nature


also have a cis geometry in their peptide bonds


are equivalent to the (3-sheet structure

Answer: Option A


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Peptides in the fully extended chain conformation Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

If the F and Y angles of each peptide unit in a protein are known, which of the following may also be determined?

Question: If the F and Y angles of each peptide unit in a protein are known, which of the following may also be determined?

Complete secondary structure


Complete tertiary structure


Complete quaternary structure


Thermodynamic stability

Answer: Option A


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If the F and Y angles of each peptide unit in a protein are known, which of the following may also be determined? Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

In β-pleated sheet structures neighbouring

Question: In β-pleated sheet structures neighbouring

chains lie in a flat plane


neighboring residues are hydrogen bonded


neighboring chains are connected by a-helices


neighboring chains are hydrogen bonded

Answer: Option D


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In β-pleated sheet structures neighbouring Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

Hemoglobin has quaternary structure and is made up of

Question: Hemoglobin has quaternary structure and is made up of

six polypeptide chains, two α-chains and four β-chains


two polypeptide chains, one α-chains and one β-chains


four polypeptide chains, two α-chains and two β-chains


five polypeptide chains, two α-chains and three β-chains

Answer: Option C


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Hemoglobin has quaternary structure and is made up of Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Protein G contains both a-helix and P-sheet


Protein G contains only a-helix


Fatty acid binding protein contains largely P-sheet


Hemoglobin contains four sub-units

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following statements is incorrect? Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides

Disulfide bonds most often stabilize the native structure of

Question: Disulfide bonds most often stabilize the native structure of

extracellular proteins


dimeric proteins


hydrophobic proteins


intracellular proteins

Answer: Option A


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Disulfide bonds most often stabilize the native structure of Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Peptides