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Structure And Properties Of Amino Acids

Amino acids required in the human diet and not synthesized by the body are called

Question: Amino acids required in the human diet and not synthesized by the body are called








Answer: Option C


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Amino acids required in the human diet and not synthesized by the body are called Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Amino Acids

Which of the following pairs of amino acids would carry a negative charge on their side chain at pH 8.0?

Question: Which of the following pairs of amino acids would carry a negative charge on their side chain at pH 8.0?

Asparagine & Glutamine


Leucine & Glycine


Histidine & Lysine


Aspartate & Glutamate

Answer: Option D


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Which of the following pairs of amino acids would carry a negative charge on their side chain at pH 8.0? Read More »

Biochemistry, Structure And Properties Of Amino Acids