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Sovereignty Of State

The main function of the state according to the Pluralists is:____________?

The main function of the state according to the Pluralists is:____________?

A. To promote general welfare of its citizens
B. To regulate the activities of various associations
C. To regulate production distribution of essential goods
D. To provide social securities like unemployment allowance and old pension

The main function of the state according to the Pluralists is:____________? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Sovereignty Of State

Pluralistic view of sovereignty was:_______________?

Pluralistic view of sovereignty was:_______________?

A. A reaction against denial of sovereignty to state
B. A reaction against to much of importance attached to economic and social groups
C. Reaction against dogmatic legalism of Austinian theory of sovereignty
D. A plea for an independent judiciary

Pluralistic view of sovereignty was:_______________? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Sovereignty Of State