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» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Which of the following assumptions is common between the pricing models of CAPM and APT?


Which of the following assumptions is common between the pricing models of CAPM and APT?


A single period investment horizon


The investors can freely borrow and lend at risk-free rate


The investors select portfolios based on expected mean and variance of return


Investors have homogeneous expectations and are expected-utility-of-wealth maximizers.

Answer» d. Investors have homogeneous expectations and are expected-utility-of-wealth maximizers.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following assumptions is common between the pricing models of CAPM and APT? Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Rosenberg and Guy found that __________helped to predict a firm’s beta.


Rosenberg and Guy found that __________helped to predict a firm’s beta.


the firm’s financial characteristics


the firm’s industry group


firm size


A, B andC all helped to predict betas.

Answer» d. A, B andC all helped to predict betas.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Rosenberg and Guy found that __________helped to predict a firm’s beta. Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

The holding period to qualify for a long-term capital gains is


The holding period to qualify for a long-term capital gains is


At least 6 months


At least 12 months


At least 18 months


At most 18 months

Answer» b. At least 12 months

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The holding period to qualify for a long-term capital gains is Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Which of the statements is/are false regarding Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)?I. APT assumes that return on any asset can be expressed as a linear function of a set of market factors or indexes. II. The arbitrage price line indicates relation between unsystematic risk and the expected return of an asset. III. While deriving the APT model, APT assumes that the error term can be reduced to zero through appropriate diversification.


Which of the statements is/are false regarding Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)?I. APT assumes that return on any asset can be expressed as a linear function of a set of market factors or indexes. II. The arbitrage price line indicates relation between unsystematic risk and the expected return of an asset. III. While deriving the APT model, APT assumes that the error term can be reduced to zero through appropriate diversification.


Only (I) above


Only (II) above


Only (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above

Answer» b. Only (II) above

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the statements is/are false regarding Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)?I. APT assumes that return on any asset can be expressed as a linear function of a set of market factors or indexes. II. The arbitrage price line indicates relation between unsystematic risk and the expected return of an asset. III. While deriving the APT model, APT assumes that the error term can be reduced to zero through appropriate diversification. Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

The net asset value of a mutual fund investing in stock rises with


The net asset value of a mutual fund investing in stock rises with


Higher stock prices


Lower equity values


An increased number of shares


Increased liabilities

Answer» a. Higher stock prices

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The net asset value of a mutual fund investing in stock rises with Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Empirical results regarding betas estimated from historical data indicate that


Empirical results regarding betas estimated from historical data indicate that


betas are constant over time.


betas of all securities are always greater than one.


betas are always near zero.


betas appear to regress toward one over time.

Answer» d. betas appear to regress toward one over time.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Empirical results regarding betas estimated from historical data indicate that Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to feasible set of portfolio?I. Feasible set is also known as opportunity set. II. It represents all the portfolios that could be formed from group of N securities. III. Feasible set is also called efficient set


Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to feasible set of portfolio?I. Feasible set is also known as opportunity set. II. It represents all the portfolios that could be formed from group of N securities. III. Feasible set is also called efficient set


Only (I) above


Only (II) above


Only (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above

Answer» d. Both (I) and (II) above

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to feasible set of portfolio?I. Feasible set is also known as opportunity set. II. It represents all the portfolios that could be formed from group of N securities. III. Feasible set is also called efficient set Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

The tracking error of an optimized portfolio can be expressed in terms of the ____________ of the portfolio and thus reveal ____________.


The tracking error of an optimized portfolio can be expressed in terms of the ____________ of the portfolio and thus reveal ____________.


return; portfolio performance


total risk; portfolio performance


beta; portfolio performance


beta; benchmark risk

Answer» c. beta; portfolio performance

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The tracking error of an optimized portfolio can be expressed in terms of the ____________ of the portfolio and thus reveal ____________. Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs

Price movement between two Information Technology stocks would generally have a ______ co-variance.


Price movement between two Information Technology stocks would generally have a ______ co-variance.









Answer» d. none

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Price movement between two Information Technology stocks would generally have a ______ co-variance. Read More »

» Security Analysis and Investment Management solved MCQs