In the late seventeenth century, a “battle of the books” erupted between which two groups ?
A. abolitionists and enthusiasts for slavery
B. round-earthers and flat-earthers
C. the Welsh and the Scots
D. champions of ancient and modern learning
A. abolitionists and enthusiasts for slavery
B. round-earthers and flat-earthers
C. the Welsh and the Scots
D. champions of ancient and modern learning
A. John Dryden
B. Henry Vaughan
C. Alexander Pope
D. Ben Jonson
Which of the following is not generally considered to be a neoclassical poet ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century A. William Carlos Williams
B. T.S. Eliot
C. Ernest Hemingway
D. Hart Crane
Who wrote: “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century A. The dramaturge and playwright had to be related.
B. All of the actors were male.
C. All of the actors were British.
D. The play was spoken.
A. a field of daffodils
B. the “Orient”
C. a graveyard
D. All of the above would be appropriate settings for Romantic literature.
Which setting could you not imagine a work of Romantic literature employing ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century A. To err is human, to forgive divine
B. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath
C. A little learning is a dangerous thing
D. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
A. New York City
B. Stanford, Connecticut
C. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
D. Boston, Massachusetts
The Catcher in the Rye takes place in what city ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century A. London and Rome
B. Paris and Rome
C. London and Paris
D. Berlin and London
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens involves which two cities ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century A. Commercial and public lending libraries were established in order to provide for an enlarged reading public
B. Education reform increased literacy, thus creating a demand for commercial and public lending libraries.
C. A new aesthetics of valuing literature for its own sake emphasized reading for pleasure.
D. all of the above
A. Danes and English
B. Dutch and English
C. Normans and English
D. French and English