How many phases are there in Brainstorming ? A. TwoB. Three C. Four D. All of the mentioned Explanation: Preparation, Execution and Follow up are the three phases to be achieved for a successful brainstorming session.

Which of the following Requirement Elicitation Techniques is applicable to messy, changing and ill-defined problem situations ? A. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) B. PrototygC. Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) D. Controlled Requirements Expression (CORE) Explanation: Soft systems methodology (SSM) is a…

To ensure that a given root definition is rigorous and comprehensive, The Lancaster team proposed several criteria that are summarized in the mnemonic CATWOE in Soft Systems Methodology (SSM).Which of the following alphabet is representing an entirely different meaning to…

QFD works best if it has management commitment? A. True B. False Explanation: QFD involves heavy investment in initial stages, thus bounding the management to provide appropriate funding for the development process .