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» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

Contestants of a competition have reached the semi-finals. After the semi-finals, theirscore are of below. Those whose score is lower than the median will not be able to enter the finals, so who managed to enter the finals. Here is the list of contestants: Anoop – 70 Points, Babu – 50 Points, Cindu – 65 Points, Das – 90 Points, Emy – 55 Points, Fasna – 85 Points, Gopi – 100 Points


Contestants of a competition have reached the semi-finals. After the semi-finals, theirscore are of below. Those whose score is lower than the median will not be able to enter the finals, so who managed to enter the finals. Here is the list of contestants: Anoop – 70 Points, Babu – 50 Points, Cindu – 65 Points, Das – 90 Points, Emy – 55 Points, Fasna – 85 Points, Gopi – 100 Points


babu, cindu and emy


anoop, das, fasnn and gopi


anoop, babu, cindu and emy


babu, cindu, das, gopi

Answer» b. anoop, das, fasnn and gopi

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Contestants of a competition have reached the semi-finals. After the semi-finals, theirscore are of below. Those whose score is lower than the median will not be able to enter the finals, so who managed to enter the finals. Here is the list of contestants: Anoop – 70 Points, Babu – 50 Points, Cindu – 65 Points, Das – 90 Points, Emy – 55 Points, Fasna – 85 Points, Gopi – 100 Points Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

In correlation, for a positive relationship ____ scores on one variable tend to beassociated with ____ scores on the other variable


In correlation, for a positive relationship ____ scores on one variable tend to beassociated with ____ scores on the other variable


high; low


low; high


high; high


none of the above

Answer» c. high; high

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

In correlation, for a positive relationship ____ scores on one variable tend to beassociated with ____ scores on the other variable Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

An index that is designed to measure changes in quantities over time is known as the


An index that is designed to measure changes in quantities over time is known as the


time index


quantity index


paasche index


change index

Answer» b. quantity index

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

An index that is designed to measure changes in quantities over time is known as the Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

Which of the following types of sampling involves the researcher determining the appropriate sample sizes for the groups identified as important, and then taking conveniencesamples from those groups


Which of the following types of sampling involves the researcher determining the appropriate sample sizes for the groups identified as important, and then taking conveniencesamples from those groups


proportional stratified sampling


quota sampling


one-stage cluster sampling


two-stage cluster sampling

Answer» b. quota sampling

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following types of sampling involves the researcher determining the appropriate sample sizes for the groups identified as important, and then taking conveniencesamples from those groups Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

If you have a digital weighing machine in your college that only reads in integers, is yourweight a discrete variable


If you have a digital weighing machine in your college that only reads in integers, is yourweight a discrete variable


yes, because the scale reports integers


no, because weight is still a continuous variable regardless of the ability to measure it


it depends on the accuracy of the scale


it depends on your weight

Answer» b. no, because weight is still a continuous variable regardless of the ability to measure it

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

If you have a digital weighing machine in your college that only reads in integers, is yourweight a discrete variable Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

A simple aggregate price index:


A simple aggregate price index:


ignores relative quantities


compares relative quantities to relative prices


considers relative quantities


compares absolute prices to absolute quantities

Answer» a. ignores relative quantities

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

A simple aggregate price index: Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is commonly called which of thefollowing


The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is commonly called which of thefollowing


sampling deviation


standard margin


standard error


statistical range

Answer» c. standard error

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is commonly called which of thefollowing Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

A composite price index where the prices of the items in the composite are weighted bytheir relative importance is known as the


A composite price index where the prices of the items in the composite are weighted bytheir relative importance is known as the


price relative


weighted aggregate price index


consumer price index


none of the above

Answer» b. weighted aggregate price index

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

A composite price index where the prices of the items in the composite are weighted bytheir relative importance is known as the Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs

Which of the following is not true in respect of mean deviation


Which of the following is not true in respect of mean deviation


it is simple to understand


it considers each & every item in a series


it is capable of further algebraic treatment


the extreme items have less effect on its magnitude

Answer» c. it is capable of further algebraic treatment

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following is not true in respect of mean deviation Read More »

» Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 solved MCQs