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Which of the following is not true about Syndicalists views about private property?

Which of the following is not true about Syndicalists views about private property?

A. It will be managed by syndicates
B. Syndicates shall be its owners
C. It will be owned by the society
D. Society will decide about means of production
E. Elected representatives should protect private property

Which of the following is not true about Syndicalists views about private property? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property

Which one of the following is true about Liberals views about private property?

Which one of the following is true about Liberals views about private property?

A. Individual should have no right to own it
B. State has right to confiscate it without payment of compensation
C. It should be under state control
D. State should pay compensation for its acquisition
E. It should altogether be abolished

Which one of the following is true about Liberals views about private property? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property

Which one of the following is true about Kant’s views about private property?

Which one of the following is true about Kant’s views about private property?

A. It should be enough for meeting social needs
B. It was individual’s right against each other
C. It was no a right of individual against nature
D. It was not given by society to its members

Which one of the following is true about Kant’s views about private property? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property

Which one of the following statements is true about Melanchthan’s views about property?

Which one of the following statements is true about Melanchthan’s views about property?

A. It is based on natural law
B. It is based on religious law
C. State was not justified in confiscating property of church
D. State had no right to confiscate property earned even by unethical means
E. No individual had a right to hold private property

Which one of the following statements is true about Melanchthan’s views about property? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property