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There are certain writers who regarded the possession of property as a necessary qualification for franchise. One of them has written, “It is important that the Assembly which votes the taxes should be elected exclusively by people who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by their votes of other people’s money, have every motive to be lavish and none to economies.” Who said this?

There are certain writers who regarded the possession of property as a necessary qualification for franchise. One of them has written, “It is important that the Assembly which votes the taxes should be elected exclusively by people who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by their votes of other people’s money, have every motive to be lavish and none to economies.” Who said this?

A. Laski
B. Bryce
C. J.S. Mill
D. Barker

There are certain writers who regarded the possession of property as a necessary qualification for franchise. One of them has written, “It is important that the Assembly which votes the taxes should be elected exclusively by people who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by their votes of other people’s money, have every motive to be lavish and none to economies.” Who said this? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property

Which one of the following defects of private has been wrongly listed?

Which one of the following defects of private has been wrongly listed?

A. It leads to division of society into two hostile classes
B. It encourages self-interest at the cost of social interest
C. It encourages scramble for power and wealth in place of nutual co-operation
D. It leads to political instability

Which one of the following defects of private has been wrongly listed? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property