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“Property is essential for the development of character, for without some property there can be no liberty, and without liberty there can be no proper development of character”. The above statement was made by:_______________?

“Property is essential for the development of character, for without some property there can be no liberty, and without liberty there can be no proper development of character”. The above statement was made by:_______________?

A. Bentham
B. Aristotle
C. Bosanquet
D. T.H. Green

“Property is essential for the development of character, for without some property there can be no liberty, and without liberty there can be no proper development of character”. The above statement was made by:_______________? Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property

According to the ‘occupational theory of property’ the property made its appearance only:

According to the ‘occupational theory of property’ the property made its appearance only:

A. With the emergence of various occupations
B. With the growth of capitalist economy
C. After man occupied a piece of land for his exclusive use
D. With the dawn of the industrial age

According to the ‘occupational theory of property’ the property made its appearance only: Read More »

Political Science Mcqs, Property