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Parliamentary and Presidential Systems

In a parliamentary system the Ministers of the Cabinet:

In a parliamentary system the Ministers of the Cabinet:

A. Are not the members of the legislature
B. Are the members of the legislature
C. Do not take interest in legislative business
D. Are not required to make policy statements in the legislature

In a parliamentary system the Ministers of the Cabinet: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

A Presidential system is one in which executive can be removed:

A Presidential system is one in which executive can be removed:

A. By a vote of no condidence in the upper House
B. By a vote of no confidence in the lower House
C. By a vote of no confidence by 51% of the total electorates
D. By a vote of no confidence by judiciary
E. By the system of impeachment

A Presidential system is one in which executive can be removed: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

In Parliamentary system each cabinet minister is: _________?

In Parliamentary system each cabinet minister is: _________?

A. Individually responsible to the Parliament
B. Responsible to the Upper House
C. Colletively responsible to upper House
D. For all effective purposes collectively responsible to House

In Parliamentary system each cabinet minister is: _________? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs