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Parliamentary and Presidential Systems

The members of the Cabinet under Presidential System:

The members of the Cabinet under Presidential System:

A. Play an important role in initiating legislation
B. Do not play any role in legislation because they are not members of Legislature
C. Can paly an effective role in legislation only when the same Party enjoys majority in the Legislature to which the President belongs
D. None of the above

The members of the Cabinet under Presidential System: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

In Presidential system of government, the head of the state:

In Presidential system of government, the head of the state:

A. Cannot be removed by the Legislature
B. Can be easily removed by the Legislature
C. Can be removed by the legislature through a very difficult process
D. None of the above

In Presidential system of government, the head of the state: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

The head of the executive under a Presidential system is representative in so far as _________________?

The head of the executive under a Presidential system is representative in so far as _________________?

A. He is an elected representative of the people
B. He can address the people whenever he chooses
C. People can approach him any time
D. He consults the elected representatives of the people on all important national issues

The head of the executive under a Presidential system is representative in so far as _________________? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

The Parliamentary system of government is good because:

The Parliamentary system of government is good because:

A. It ensures continuity and consistency of policy
B. It makes the opposition behave in a responsible manner
C. It provides autocratic powers to the executive
D. It provides a flexible form of government

The Parliamentary system of government is good because: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs