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Parliamentary and Presidential Systems

Which one of the following is not an advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

Which one of the following is not an advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

A. The executive knows fully well the feelings of the legislature
B. The decisions can be quickly taken
C. There is cooperation between the executive and the legislture
D. It is a respobsible Government
E. It is flexible form of Government

Which one of the following is not an advantage of Parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Govrnment?

Which one of the following is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Govrnment?

A. In it there is widespread political education
B. In it there is complete separation of powers
C. In it there is flexibility
D. It is self corrective form of Government

Which one of the following is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Govrnment? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not the characteristics of Presidential form of Government:

Which one of the following is not the characteristics of Presidential form of Government:

A. The President has fixed tenure
B. The President cannot enter the House of Parliament
C. The President cannot canclude treaties
D. The President can dismiss his Secretaries at any time

Which one of the following is not the characteristics of Presidential form of Government: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not true about Parliamentary form of Government?

Which one of the following is not true about Parliamentary form of Government?

A. There is the system of joint respobsibility
B. Prime Minister is the leader of the team
C. There is complete separation of powers
D. The Ministers are the colleagues of the Prime Minister

Which one of the following is not true about Parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not true about Presidential system of Government?

Which one of the following is not true about Presidential system of Government?

A. The executive has no fixed tenure
B. There is system of separation of powers
C. There is system of checks and balances
D. There is no collective responsibility of cabinet

Which one of the following is not true about Presidential system of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Under the President government:

Under the President government:

A. The executive head can dissolved the legislature before its normal term
B. The legislature can oust the President by a vote of no confidence
C. The legislature can be dissolved by the President with the consent of the judiciary
D. Neither the executive can dissolve the legislature nor the legislature can remove the executive before its term

Under the President government: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

The members of the cabinet under a Presidential system of government:

The members of the cabinet under a Presidential system of government:

A. Are taken from the two houses of Parliament
B. Are taken from amongst persons who are not members of Parliament
C. May be taken from the popular house
D. Are nominated by the head of state on the advice of Supreme Court

The members of the cabinet under a Presidential system of government: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs