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Parliamentary and Presidential Systems

Whether a Government is Parliamentary or not is decided on the basis of relationship of the executive with:

Whether a Government is Parliamentary or not is decided on the basis of relationship of the executive with:

A. Legislature
B. Judiciary
C. Civil servants
D. Local self-Government institutions

Whether a Government is Parliamentary or not is decided on the basis of relationship of the executive with: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

One of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government; pick that up:

One of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government; pick that up:

A. Head of the state enjoys real powers
B. It is based on the theory of separation of powers
C. It is based on the principle of combination of powers
D. Babinet consists of nominees of the President

One of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government; pick that up: Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which of the following is not associated with parliamentary form of Government?

Which of the following is not associated with parliamentary form of Government?

A. In this there is leadership of Prime Minister
B. In this there is system of adjustment
C. The head of the state can remove cabinet at his will
D. The Council of Ministers has no fixed tenure of office

Which of the following is not associated with parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which of the following is associated with parliamentary form of Government?

Which of the following is associated with parliamentary form of Government?

A. Executive and legislature work independently
B. Executive and legislature work in close cooperation
C. Executive is dependent on judiciary
D. Legislature is dependent on judiciary

Which of the following is associated with parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not a demerit of parliamentary form of Government?

Which one of the following is not a demerit of parliamentary form of Government?

A. It promotes partisan spirit
B. In this talents of all cannot be used
C. In this alternative on the fall of Government is available
D. In it executive works in cooperation with the legislature
E. None of the above

Which one of the following is not a demerit of parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs

Pick up one of the following which in your opinion is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

Pick up one of the following which in your opinion is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

A. In it partisan spirit is encouraged
B. In it there is dignity of every individual
C. It is a good check on despotism
D. It has great educative value

Pick up one of the following which in your opinion is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Government? Read More »

Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, Political Science Mcqs