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Nitrogen Fixation And Photosynthesis

An organism that relies exclusively on pre-synthesized food molecules is

Question: An organism that relies exclusively on pre-synthesized food molecules is








Answer: Option D


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An organism that relies exclusively on pre-synthesized food molecules is Read More »

Biotechnology, Nitrogen Fixation And Photosynthesis

A group of about 300 chlorophyll molecule acting together to trap photons and transfer energy to the pigment molecule at the reaction center may be called as

Question: A group of about 300 chlorophyll molecule acting together to trap photons and transfer energy to the pigment molecule at the reaction center may be called as

harvesting unit


reaction center


photosynthetic unit



Answer: Option C


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A group of about 300 chlorophyll molecule acting together to trap photons and transfer energy to the pigment molecule at the reaction center may be called as Read More »

Biotechnology, Nitrogen Fixation And Photosynthesis

In the Calvin cycle of C3 plants, which molecule is the acceptor of CO2?

Question: In the Calvin cycle of C3 plants, which molecule is the acceptor of CO2?








Answer: Option B


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In the Calvin cycle of C3 plants, which molecule is the acceptor of CO2? Read More »

Biotechnology, Nitrogen Fixation And Photosynthesis

During nitrogen fixation the enzyme nitrogenase catalyse the reaction. The reaction is high energy demanding which require approximately

Question: During nitrogen fixation the enzyme nitrogenase catalyse the reaction. The reaction is high energy demanding which require approximately

12 ATP


18 ATP


25 ATP



Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

During nitrogen fixation the enzyme nitrogenase catalyse the reaction. The reaction is high energy demanding which require approximately Read More »

Biotechnology, Nitrogen Fixation And Photosynthesis