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Which of the following are correctly matched ?

Which of the following are correctly matched ?

A. Transfer of antibody from mother to child is through colostrum and acquired passive immunity naturally
B. Injection of antibodies (Hepatitis) is artificially acquired passive immunity
C. Antigenic stimulus given by vaccine (polio) is artificial active immunity
D. All of the above

Which of the following are correctly matched ? Read More »

General Microbiology, Medical Mcqs, Microbiology

Which of the following provides best gurantee for sterlization in the heat sterilizer ?

Which of the following provides best gurantee for sterlization in the heat sterilizer ?

A. Using chemical indicator strip or pouch
B. Recording a temperature/ pressure readings from sterilizer guage
C. Using a bacterial spore test
D. Determining the ability of a sterilizer to kill the hepatitis B virus

Which of the following provides best gurantee for sterlization in the heat sterilizer ? Read More »

General Microbiology, Medical Mcqs, Microbiology