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» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

Which would definitely not be an example of price discrimination?


Which would definitely not be an example of price discrimination?


a theater charges children less than adults for a movie.


universities charge higher tuition for out-of-state residents.


a doctor charges for services according to the income of patients.


an electric power company charges less for electricity used during off-peak hours when

Answer» d. an electric power company charges less for electricity used during off-peak hours when

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which would definitely not be an example of price discrimination? Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

Branding can be good for society because:


Branding can be good for society because:


it allows people to show off the branded goods they use or wear


it keeps generic goods from taking over the market


it provides useful information to consumers about the quality of branded goods


it helps firms enjoy higher prices and profits

Answer» c. it provides useful information to consumers about the quality of branded goods

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Branding can be good for society because: Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

Which of the following is a barrier to entry that typically results in monopoly?


Which of the following is a barrier to entry that typically results in monopoly?


The firm controls the entire supply of a raw material


Production of the industry\s product is subject to economies of scale over a broad range of output


Production of the industry\s product requires a large initial capital investment


The firm holds an exclusive government franchise

Answer» c. Production of the industry\s product requires a large initial capital investment

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following is a barrier to entry that typically results in monopoly? Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

If factor prices and factor quantities move in the same direction, we have


If factor prices and factor quantities move in the same direction, we have


a constant cost industry


an increasing cost industry


a decreasing cost industry


any of the above.

Answer» b. an increasing cost industry

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

If factor prices and factor quantities move in the same direction, we have Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a homogeneous product, unlimited long-run resource mobility, and perfect knowledge, thenthe firm is a


If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a homogeneous product, unlimited long-run resource mobility, and perfect knowledge, thenthe firm is a


a monopolist


an oligopolist


a perfect competitor


a monopolistic competitor

Answer» c. a perfect competitor

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a homogeneous product, unlimited long-run resource mobility, and perfect knowledge, thenthe firm is a Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs

Match the following A B 1. (i) Commodity money (i) Currency 2. (ii) Metallic money (ii) Cheque 3. (iii) Paper money (iii) Gold 4. (iv) Credit money (iv) Bows and arrowsCodes;


Match the following A B 1. (i) Commodity money (i) Currency 2. (ii) Metallic money (ii) Cheque 3. (iii) Paper money (iii) Gold 4. (iv) Credit money (iv) Bows and arrowsCodes;


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (iii) (ii) (iv)


(iv) (iii) (ii) (i)


(iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

Answer» d. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Match the following A B 1. (i) Commodity money (i) Currency 2. (ii) Metallic money (ii) Cheque 3. (iii) Paper money (iii) Gold 4. (iv) Credit money (iv) Bows and arrowsCodes; Read More »

» Micro economics 2 solved MCQs