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Mechanical Engineering

In open channels, the specific energy is the

Question: In open channels, the specific energy is the

total energy per unit discharge


total energy measured with respect to the datum passing through the bottom of the channel


total energy measured above the horizontal datum


kinetic energy plotted above the free surface of water

Answer: Option B


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In open channels, the specific energy is the Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A channel is said to be of most economical cross-section, if

Question: A channel is said to be of most economical cross-section, if

it gives maximum discharge for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope


it has minimum wetted perimeter


it involves lesser excavation for the designed amount of discharge


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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A channel is said to be of most economical cross-section, if Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

According to Manning’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where M = Manning’s constant)

Question: According to Manning’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where M = Manning’s constant)

A x M x m1/2 x i2/3


A x M x m2/3 x i1/2


A1/2 x M2/3 x m x i


A2/3 x M1/3 x m x i

Answer: Option B


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According to Manning’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where M = Manning’s constant) Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

According to Chezy’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where A = Area of flow, C = Chezy’s constant, m = Hydraulic mean depth, and i = Uniform slope in bed)

Question: According to Chezy’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where A = Area of flow, C = Chezy’s constant, m = Hydraulic mean depth, and i = Uniform slope in bed)

A m x i


C m x i


AC m x i


mi A x C

Answer: Option C


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According to Chezy’s formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where A = Area of flow, C = Chezy’s constant, m = Hydraulic mean depth, and i = Uniform slope in bed) Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A nozzle placed at the end of a water pipe line discharges water at a

Question: A nozzle placed at the end of a water pipe line discharges water at a

low pressure


high pressure


low velocity


high velocity

Answer: Option D


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A nozzle placed at the end of a water pipe line discharges water at a Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

An air vessel is provided at the summit in a syphon to

Question: An air vessel is provided at the summit in a syphon to

avoid interruption in the flow


increase discharge


increase velocity


maintain pressure difference

Answer: Option A


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An air vessel is provided at the summit in a syphon to Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A siphon is used to connect two reservoirs at different levels intervened by a high ridge.

Question: A siphon is used to connect two reservoirs at different levels intervened by a high ridge.




Answer: Option A


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A siphon is used to connect two reservoirs at different levels intervened by a high ridge. Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

In case of flow through parallel pipes,

Question: In case of flow through parallel pipes,

the head loss for all the pipes is same


the total discharge is equal to the sum of discharges in the various pipes


the total head loss is the sum of head losses in the various pipes


Both (A) and (B)

Answer: Option D


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In case of flow through parallel pipes, Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering

A compound pipe of diameter d1, d2 and d3 having lengths l1, l2 and l3 is to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of uniform diameter d and of the same length (l) as that of the compound pipe. The size of the equivalent pipe is given by

Question: A compound pipe of diameter d1, d2 and d3 having lengths l1, l2 and l3 is to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of uniform diameter d and of the same length (l) as that of the compound pipe. The size of the equivalent pipe is given by




Answer: Option D


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A compound pipe of diameter d1, d2 and d3 having lengths l1, l2 and l3 is to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of uniform diameter d and of the same length (l) as that of the compound pipe. The size of the equivalent pipe is given by Read More »

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering