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Mechanical Engineering

A supercharger receives air from the atmosphere surrounding the engine, compresses it to a higher pressure and then feeds it into the inlet valve of the engine.

Question: A supercharger receives air from the atmosphere surrounding the engine, compresses it to a higher pressure and then feeds it into the inlet valve of the engine.




Answer: Option A


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A supercharger receives air from the atmosphere surrounding the engine, compresses it to a higher pressure and then feeds it into the inlet valve of the engine. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

A supercharged engine as compared to an ordinary engine

Question: A supercharged engine as compared to an ordinary engine

requires smaller foundation


is lighter


consumes less lubricating oil


all of these

Answer: Option D


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A supercharged engine as compared to an ordinary engine Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

An ignition coil in the spark ignition engines supplies __________ voltage to the spark plug.

Question: An ignition coil in the spark ignition engines supplies __________ voltage to the spark plug.




Answer: Option A


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An ignition coil in the spark ignition engines supplies __________ voltage to the spark plug. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In an internal combustion engine, the process of removing the burnt gases from the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder is known as

Question: In an internal combustion engine, the process of removing the burnt gases from the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder is known as








Answer: Option A


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In an internal combustion engine, the process of removing the burnt gases from the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder is known as Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In order to mix air and petrol in the required proportion and to supply it to the engine during suction stroke, then __________ is employed.

Question: In order to mix air and petrol in the required proportion and to supply it to the engine during suction stroke, then __________ is employed.

fuel pump






none of these

Answer: Option C


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In order to mix air and petrol in the required proportion and to supply it to the engine during suction stroke, then __________ is employed. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering