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» Management of International Business solved MCQs

The basic objective of export Promotion Council is to promote and develop the Exports of the


The basic objective of export Promotion Council is to promote and develop the Exports of the


Particular products of country


Only attractive projects of the country


Only services industry products of the country



Answer» a. Particular products of country

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The basic objective of export Promotion Council is to promote and develop the Exports of the Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

Which of the following is NOT an important element to look for when selecting an alliance partner?


Which of the following is NOT an important element to look for when selecting an alliance partner?


Very similar culture and resources


Compatible expectations and objectives


They should have as much to lose as you do if the alliance fails


Resources that complement your own

Answer» a. Very similar culture and resources

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following is NOT an important element to look for when selecting an alliance partner? Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

South–South co-operation means —


South–South co-operation means —


the flow of resources from one developing country to another


increasing diplomatic relations among emerging economies


increasing investment between developing countries


rising trade between countries

Answer» a. the flow of resources from one developing country to another

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

South–South co-operation means — Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

How does international law facilitate international trade and investment?


How does international law facilitate international trade and investment?


It makes it easier to resolve contract disputes for firms involved in international trade and investment.


It allows business to choose the most favorable national legal system to institute proceedings.


The terms used in international conventions are open to differing interpretations.


The Uniform Commercial Code favors big US multinationals.

Answer» c. The terms used in international conventions are open to differing interpretations.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

How does international law facilitate international trade and investment? Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

Credits transferable by original beneficiary in favor of secondary beneficiary areknown as


Credits transferable by original beneficiary in favor of secondary beneficiary areknown as


Deferred credits


Transit credits


Installment credits


Transferable credits

Answer» a. Deferred credits

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Credits transferable by original beneficiary in favor of secondary beneficiary areknown as Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

Which of the following attributes is NOT seen as being necessary for an organization to become a ‘learning organization’?


Which of the following attributes is NOT seen as being necessary for an organization to become a ‘learning organization’?


Cultural diversity


Top management commitment


Openness to new ideas


Willingness to experiment and risk making mistakes

Answer» a. Cultural diversity

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Which of the following attributes is NOT seen as being necessary for an organization to become a ‘learning organization’? Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

The International Monetary Fund is important because:


The International Monetary Fund is important because:


It has sufficient financial resources to deal with a major global financial crisis.


It has sufficient financial resources to help individual countries facing balance of payments problems.


Emerging economies can exercise significant influence on it.


It fixes exchange rates.

Answer» a. It has sufficient financial resources to deal with a major global financial crisis.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The International Monetary Fund is important because: Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

Successful business relationships tend to:


Successful business relationships tend to:


Combine relational contracts – to build trust in the long term – with transactional contracts to cover specific situations


Depend upon tightly written legal contracts that take account of every potential problem or issue


Rely upon firms being able to trust their employees and partners


Be treated as finite games that both partners know will end sooner or later

Answer» a. Combine relational contracts – to build trust in the long term – with transactional contracts to cover specific situations

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Successful business relationships tend to: Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

A holding company is:


A holding company is:


An organization with a balanced portfolio of individual businesses


A decentralized organization with a small head office that organizes finance for the subsidiaries


A centralized organization with a small head office that helps subsidiaries develop and finance their strategies


A decentralized organization with a large head office that offers a broad range of advice and services to subsidiaries

Answer» b. A decentralized organization with a small head office that organizes finance for the subsidiaries

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

A holding company is: Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs

The internet facilitates globalization by:


The internet facilitates globalization by:


Making it more difficult to contact potential customers abroad.


Cutting the cost for firms of communicating across borders.


Making it harder to send money from one country to another.


Making it easier for governments to censor the information received by their citizens from abroad.

Answer» a. Making it more difficult to contact potential customers abroad.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

The internet facilitates globalization by: Read More »

» Management of International Business solved MCQs