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Which of the following is not true about Plato’s concept of justice?

Which of the following is not true about Plato’s concept of justice?

A. He stressed only on inward aspect of human personality
B. For him justice was a socail bond
C. For him justice should help in maintaining social order
D. It was based on citizen’s sense of duty
E. None of the above

Which of the following is not true about Plato’s concept of justice? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs

Socially, to Plato, Justice meant that:

Socially, to Plato, Justice meant that:

A. A class should do its work in social carde or political plane to which it was called by its peculiar properties
B. Society should defend with all its might the right of its members
C. All the members and groups of society should be treated equal
D. There should be an elaborate system of law to provide justice to the citizens

Socially, to Plato, Justice meant that: Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs