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According to the Mandan thinkers:

According to the Mandan thinkers:

A. There can be no justice under the capitalist system
B. Justice under Capitalist system is possible only if key industries are nationalised
C. Justice has no relation with the system of production
D. Justice under capitalist system is possible only if the workers are given due share in the management of industries

According to the Mandan thinkers: Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following thinkers interpreted justice as allotment of functions to person in accordance with his ability and training?

Which one of the following thinkers interpreted justice as allotment of functions to person in accordance with his ability and training?

A. Aristotle
B. Plto
C. Barker
D. Laski

Which one of the following thinkers interpreted justice as allotment of functions to person in accordance with his ability and training? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs