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St. Augustine believed that justice could be possible only when:_____________?

St. Augustine believed that justice could be possible only when:_____________?

A. State did not interfere in religion
B. State actively interfered in religion
C. State intervened in religion when called upon to do so
D. Religion and state complemented each other

St. Augustine believed that justice could be possible only when:_____________? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is true about modern states for giving justice to the people?

Which one of the following is true about modern states for giving justice to the people?

A. The state runs educational institution
B. The state provides scholarships for studies abroad
C. The state encourages right to property
D. The state preaches religion toleration
E. The state maintains courts of law

Which one of the following is true about modern states for giving justice to the people? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is true about Aristotle’s views about justice?

Which one of the following is true about Aristotle’s views about justice?

A. It should promote religion
B. It should be available to the rich
C. It was what philosopher king thought was just
D. It should be available both to the citizens and the slaves
E. It consisted in observing rules of equality

Which one of the following is true about Aristotle’s views about justice? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs

According to Earnest Barker, justice is: ___________?

According to Earnest Barker, justice is: ___________?

A. A virtue that cannot be separated from the virtues of temperance, courage and wisdom
B. Not a matter of outright equality but is rather a matter of right proportion
C. A mtter of human relations which change and grow in the process of time with changes of social thought, and it adjusts itself and changes accordingly
D. The first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought

According to Earnest Barker, justice is: ___________? Read More »

Justice, Political Science Mcqs