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Judiciary And Law Mcqs

Time limitation for the review of a judgment by a High Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction is________________?

Time limitation for the review of a judgment by a High Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction is________________?

A. Twenty days, from the date of decree or order
B. Thirty days, from the date of decree or order
C. Ninety days, from the date of decree or order
D. None of above

Time limitation for the review of a judgment by a High Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction is________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

The time limitation for leave to defend a suit under Order XXXVII, of C.P.C_________________?

The time limitation for leave to defend a suit under Order XXXVII, of C.P.C_________________?

A. Ten days, when the summons are served
B. Fifteen days, when the summons are served
C. Twenty days, when the summons are served
D. None of above

The time limitation for leave to defend a suit under Order XXXVII, of C.P.C_________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 from an order of acquittal time limitation of appeal is`________________?

Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 from an order of acquittal time limitation of appeal is`________________?

A. Ninety days, from the date of order
B. Six months, from the date of order
C. Nine months, from the date of order
D. None of above

Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 from an order of acquittal time limitation of appeal is`________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

Time limitation for appeal against dcree or order of Civil Judge before Court of District Judge is__________________?

Time limitation for appeal against dcree or order of Civil Judge before Court of District Judge is__________________?

A. Thirty days from the date of decree or order
B. Sixty days from the date of decree or order
C. Ninety days from the date of decree of order
D. None of above

Time limitation for appeal against dcree or order of Civil Judge before Court of District Judge is__________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

Time limitation for appeal under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 from a sentence of death passed by the Court of Session or by a High Court in its original jurisdiction is_________________?

Time limitation for appeal under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 from a sentence of death passed by the Court of Session or by a High Court in its original jurisdiction is_________________?

A. Seven days
B. Fourteen days
C. Twenty days
D. None of above

Time limitation for appeal under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 from a sentence of death passed by the Court of Session or by a High Court in its original jurisdiction is_________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

In the case of a suit for compensation for an act, which does not give rise to cause of action unless some specific injury actually result therefrom. The period of limitation shall be computed_________________?

In the case of a suit for compensation for an act, which does not give rise to cause of action unless some specific injury actually result therefrom. The period of limitation shall be computed_________________?

A. From the origin of the act
B. From the time when the injury results
C. None of above
D. None of above

In the case of a suit for compensation for an act, which does not give rise to cause of action unless some specific injury actually result therefrom. The period of limitation shall be computed_________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908

In computing the period of limitation prescribed for any suit the time during which the defendant has been absent from Pakistan and from the territories beyond Pakistan under the Administration of the Central Government shall be_______________?

In computing the period of limitation prescribed for any suit the time during which the defendant has been absent from Pakistan and from the territories beyond Pakistan under the Administration of the Central Government shall be_______________?

A. Excluded
B. Included
C. Depends upon nature of the matter
D. None of above

In computing the period of limitation prescribed for any suit the time during which the defendant has been absent from Pakistan and from the territories beyond Pakistan under the Administration of the Central Government shall be_______________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Limitation Act 1908