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Judiciary And Law Mcqs

Whoever, being a Police Officer without lawful authority or reasonable cause enters or searches or causes to be entered or searched any building, vessel, tent or place shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_______________?

Whoever, being a Police Officer without lawful authority or reasonable cause enters or searches or causes to be entered or searched any building, vessel, tent or place shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_______________?

A. Three years with fine
B. Four years with fine
C. Five years with fine
D. None of the above

Whoever, being a Police Officer without lawful authority or reasonable cause enters or searches or causes to be entered or searched any building, vessel, tent or place shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_______________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002

Any person who files a complaint against the police which on enquiry by the (Federal) Police Complaints Authority is held frivolous or vexatious shall be punished on conviction with imprisonment for __________ or with fine which may extend to _________________?

Any person who files a complaint against the police which on enquiry by the (Federal) Police Complaints Authority is held frivolous or vexatious shall be punished on conviction with imprisonment for __________ or with fine which may extend to _________________?

A. 3 months, 5000
B. 5 months, 10,000
C. 6 months, 15,000
D. None of the above

Any person who files a complaint against the police which on enquiry by the (Federal) Police Complaints Authority is held frivolous or vexatious shall be punished on conviction with imprisonment for __________ or with fine which may extend to _________________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002

Article 123 of the Police Order 2002 empowers any police officer not below the rank of ___________ to give direction against serious disorder at place of amusement?

Article 123 of the Police Order 2002 empowers any police officer not below the rank of ___________ to give direction against serious disorder at place of amusement?

A. S.S.P. or above
B. S.H.O. or above
C. Assistant Sub-Inspector or above
D. None of the above

Article 123 of the Police Order 2002 empowers any police officer not below the rank of ___________ to give direction against serious disorder at place of amusement? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002

No Police Officer shall engage in any private employment while he is a member of the police establishment as provided by Article _________, of the Police Order 2002?

No Police Officer shall engage in any private employment while he is a member of the police establishment as provided by Article _________, of the Police Order 2002?

A. 116
B. 117
C. 118
D. None of the above

No Police Officer shall engage in any private employment while he is a member of the police establishment as provided by Article _________, of the Police Order 2002? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002

No Police Officer shall resign his office unless he has given to his superior officer notice in writing for a period of not less than __________ of his intention to resign?

No Police Officer shall resign his office unless he has given to his superior officer notice in writing for a period of not less than __________ of his intention to resign?

A. 1 month,
B. Two months,
C. 3 months
D. None of the above

No Police Officer shall resign his office unless he has given to his superior officer notice in writing for a period of not less than __________ of his intention to resign? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002

Article _____, of the Police Order, 2002 empowers Provincial Police Officer to make rules with the approval of the Government, may by notification in the Official gazette make rules for carrying into effect the provision of this Order_______________?

Article _____, of the Police Order, 2002 empowers Provincial Police Officer to make rules with the approval of the Government, may by notification in the Official gazette make rules for carrying into effect the provision of this Order_______________?

A. 111
B. 112
C. 113
D. None of the above

Article _____, of the Police Order, 2002 empowers Provincial Police Officer to make rules with the approval of the Government, may by notification in the Official gazette make rules for carrying into effect the provision of this Order_______________? Read More »

Judiciary And Law Mcqs, Police Order 2002