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Judiciary And Law Mcqs

As per section 3(2) of Family Courts Act, 1964 a women Judge may be appointed for more than one District and in such cases the women judge may sit for disposal of cases at such place or places in either District as_______________?

As per section 3(2) of Family Courts Act, 1964 a women Judge may be appointed for more than one District and in such cases the women judge may sit for disposal of cases at such place or places in either District as_______________?

A. He likes
B. The provincial Government may specify
C. The District Government specify
D. None of the above

As per section 3(2) of Family Courts Act, 1964 a women Judge may be appointed for more than one District and in such cases the women judge may sit for disposal of cases at such place or places in either District as_______________? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

The Judge of Family Court may act under section ___________ Cr.P.C and may make orders for maintenance under that section?

The Judge of Family Court may act under section ___________ Cr.P.C and may make orders for maintenance under that section?

A. 388
B. 488
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

The Judge of Family Court may act under section ___________ Cr.P.C and may make orders for maintenance under that section? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

As per section 22, of the Family Courts Act, A Family Court shall not have the power to issue an injunction to or stay any proceedings pending before_______________?

As per section 22, of the Family Courts Act, A Family Court shall not have the power to issue an injunction to or stay any proceedings pending before_______________?

A. Chairman of Union Council
B. Arbitration Council
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

As per section 22, of the Family Courts Act, A Family Court shall not have the power to issue an injunction to or stay any proceedings pending before_______________? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs