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Judiciary And Law Mcqs

After the closing of evidence of both sides the Family Courts shall make another effort for compromise or reconciliation between the parties as provided in_______________?

After the closing of evidence of both sides the Family Courts shall make another effort for compromise or reconciliation between the parties as provided in_______________?

A. Section 12(1)
B. Section 12(2),
C. Section 12(3)
D. None of the above

After the closing of evidence of both sides the Family Courts shall make another effort for compromise or reconciliation between the parties as provided in_______________? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

As per section 9(1)(b), of the Family Courts Act a defendant wife may in the written statement to a suit for restitution of conjugal rights can make a claim for_________________?

As per section 9(1)(b), of the Family Courts Act a defendant wife may in the written statement to a suit for restitution of conjugal rights can make a claim for_________________?

A. Dissolution of marriage
B. Dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

As per section 9(1)(b), of the Family Courts Act a defendant wife may in the written statement to a suit for restitution of conjugal rights can make a claim for_________________? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

When a plaint is presented in Family Court it shall fix a date of not more than ______________ days for defendants appearance?

When a plaint is presented in Family Court it shall fix a date of not more than ______________ days for defendants appearance?

A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. None of the above

When a plaint is presented in Family Court it shall fix a date of not more than ______________ days for defendants appearance? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

In a Family Suit the plaint shall contain all facts relating to the dispute and shall contain _________ giving the number of witnesses intended to be produced in support of the plaint ?

In a Family Suit the plaint shall contain all facts relating to the dispute and shall contain _________ giving the number of witnesses intended to be produced in support of the plaint ?

A. Schedule
B. List of witnesses
C. Affidavit
D. None of the above

In a Family Suit the plaint shall contain all facts relating to the dispute and shall contain _________ giving the number of witnesses intended to be produced in support of the plaint ? Read More »

Family Courts Act 1964, Judiciary And Law Mcqs